rennie kaizen

In 2024, rennie approached me to design a large coffee table book, the rennie kaizen. Kaizen, a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement," embodies a philosophy and practice that emphasizes making small, incremental changes regularly to enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality. Since 2019, rennie has embraced this philosophy by producing a weekly kaizen: curated insights from team members designed to inspire, educate, and motivate, originally shared as an email newsletter. This book, volume one, spans the years 2019-2021 and presents this collection of essays through thoughtfully crafted spreads that integrate compelling imagery, layout, and typography tailored to support the content. Complimenting this 250 page hardcover book, we also created a more digestible ‘best of’ softcover book to gift to all rennie team members.

I worked alongside rennie's Associate Creative Director, Darlene Tandon, on this project and together we designed these two exceptional books to showcase the spirit of Kaizen and its impact on rennie’s culture.


Layout Design